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Home Characters Team Lore Pokémon Moves Abilities Background Story

The Short Version:

Thirty years ago:

A scientist came up with the idea to combine human and pokémon DNA. After several failures, he succeeded with his first true human pokémon: Project Angel. He only managed to give this project two true pokémon types.

Twenty years ago:

Rumours of an angelic-looking pokémon began to spread. Pokémon trainers began to search for the pokémon without success.

Ten years ago:

More humanlike pokémon have been spotted. Most were known to be extremely violent toward trainers. Rangers advised trainers to avoid these 'legendary' pokémon at all costs.

Five years ago:

A group that called themselves Team Lore began to catch and convince these human pokémon to join them.

This team continues to search for legendary pokémon and the created pokémon. If the human pokémon don't join them willingly, they are captured like any normal pokémon and forced to work by the same commands that normal pokémon are commanded. When captured, the human pokémon can only use four moves, just like any normal captured pokémon.

Team Lore has created a special pokéball that is made specifically for capturing these experiments. However, it only has a 20% chance of capturing the strong-willed pokémon.

The Long Version:

Forty years ago:

Doctor Soren Lore sat huddled over the body of a sickly young girl. Her parents had been told that she had died. It hadn't been a surprise. Even now she was near death.

Doctore Lore was dying, himself. Though his death was slower than this girl's. He worked his scarred hands deftly as he began the process of injecting the girl with a special genetic compound.

The girl squirmed under the one hand that held her down, despite being unconscious. She groaned in her sleep and shuddered. Soren bit his lip, watching with apprehension. His other experiments had died at this point. But he was sure that he'd gotten this one right. He had to. If this worked, it wouldn't only save her life, but thousands more. After all, who had ever heard of a pokémon sick of any cancer or deadly disease? If he could entwine a human's genetics with a pokémon's, he might find a cure for all sickness.

He sighed and took the girl back to her tank. He'd be able to keep track of her vital signs better by letting the computer do all of the work. He glanced over at another of his experiments. Her blonde hair flowed eerily in the green goo of the experiment tank. Doctor Lore had retrieved this girl and her brother not long after his other experiment. They both had the same hereditary disease. The brother, unfortunately, had survived the experimental process, but his mind had suffered from the experiment. He would never be safe to remove from his tank. Hopefully, this girl wouldn't suffer the same mental problem.

Ten years later:

A man had heard about Doctor Lore's experiments from one of his disgrunteled helpers. This man went to free these test subjects. What he found was astounding.

Lining the room were tanks glowing eerily. Beings that looked like humans with strange features that suggested otherwise--such as wings--floated in these chambers.

The man approached one tank and looked upon a boy, no older than his son. His hair was colored strangely, giving it the appearance of fire. The boy looked completely human. Kendrick decided immediately that this boy must not have been experimented on yet. He was going to keep it that way.

He searched quickly for a release button. Not seeing it on the chamber, he searched the room. He found a keycode station on a platform. He was about to punch in the numbers above the boy's tank when he noticed a red button. Something in him told him to release the rest. Slowly he moved his hand over the red button and glanced out at the chambers, asking himself if it were safe to do this. He ignored his doubts and quickly hit the release button. The chambers drained and the doors opened, those contained in them suspended like live marionettes.

Kendrick began the arduous task of removing these marionettes from their strings. As he came across one, however, he noticed striking ice blue eyes staring into his. Her well-toned leg came up and her foot snapped into his jaw, kicking him away. She tugged herself off of her lines and stepped out of her prison. The girl stretched her wings out their full length, looking quite impressive and intimidating.

It was only after a moment of getting reoriented that Kendrick noticed the fear in the girl's eyes. Before he could speak, however, she was running down the hall, her wings tucked behind her.

Later that day, Doctor Lore entered to find his experiments missing. He looked around in surprise and confusion. This was impossible! They couldn't escape on their own. He then turned quickly on his heel to look on his first surviving experiment's tank. He was gone!

"Hello, Doctor," came a voice from behind him. This voice sent a chill running down his spine and he turned slowly to face the owner of it. He felt a force lift him into the air and the same force began to crush his body. He gasped for breath, unable to move. The doctor felt the force give a sudden hard squeeze, much like a hand crushing a bug.
Home Characters Team Lore Pokémon Moves Abilities Background Story